Our Process

We're are
the farmer

Our Lamb and cattle are raised on farms outside Ballarat, where we ensure the best growing and feeding conditions.


At Sinclair Meats, we are renowned for our high quality beef and lamb, which is a product grown and fattened on our own farms at Waubra, Coghills Creek, Bald Hills, Langi Kal Kal and Hamilton.

Free Range

Most of our farms are irrigated, providing the cattle and sheep with the very best quality feed and conditions.


Our passion for quality is secure, because we have complete control over our stock. Their health is our top priority, because we know that’s what makes the best quality meat.

we supply local

Supporting Our Community

We supply to Ballarat Health Services, Aged Care Centres, Local Restaurants and the Creswick IGA Supermarket. We know our industry from every aspect, and that’s what makes us the real deal.

Some of your favorite local eateries use our produce to create mouth watering meals, including:

we supply local

Supporting Our Community

We supply to Ballarat Health Services, Aged Care Centres, Local Restaurants and the Creswick IGA Supermarket. We know our industry from every aspect, and that’s what makes us the real deal.

Some of your favorite local eateries use our produce to create mouth watering meals, including:

When it Comes to
Paddock to Plate,

When it Comes to Paddock to Plate,

No one does it Better

Our Process

We are the Supplier

We use our own transport to deliver the meat, minimising our travel and our carbon footprint wherever possible.

With us, there is no middleman. When you buy from us, you are buying directly from our Ballarat farms. That’s how we’re able to bring you premium quality meat at the best possible price.

In today’s marketplace, saturated by large corporate-owned supermarkets, our product is truly unique. We offer low food kilometres, which lowers the environmental impact of getting food from the paddock to plate.

We provide many of Ballarat’s commercial kitchens with their meat every day from our Latrobe Street store.

Our Process

We are the Butcher

We are trained and skilled to prepare each cut of meat exactly the way you like it.

The core of our business and our passion lies in serving day-to-day customers, and that’s why we encourage you to visit us and talk to a real butcher.

Whether you’re preparing dinner for the family, hosting a backyard barbeque, planning an intimate dinner party or trying a new recipe, we can help. Our butchers can guide you on what to cook and how to cook it to create the perfect meal. 

Choose something from our extensive pre-prepared range, or make a request for a speciality item. Either way, you’ll love what we can do for you. 

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